Kamis, 20 Maret 2014 0 komentar

Dampak Internet Bagi Masyarakat

Pada era  globalisasi, internet sering digunakan oleh anak – anak, remaja,  hingga dewasa. Sebagian dari mereka menggunakan internet sebagai media informasi atau komunikasi. Informasi didunia maya ini sangat luas atau tidak dapat dibatasi oleh siapapun, dari informasi dalam Negeri  bahkan sampai kemancanegara bebas diakses oleh siapapun. Dan juga kemunculan internet ini sangat membantu sekali kepada manusia dalam berbagai aspek kehidupannya, internet sudah menjadi kebutuhan  manusi dalam bersosialisasi.
 Tapi kemunculan internet di era yang sekarang ini justru membawa kita lebih pinter – pinter menggunakannya karena internet mempunyai dampak yang BESAR bagi penggunanya, dari dampak positif hingga dampak negatif, yaitu sih terserah usernya mau menggunakan hal positif atau negatif.

Berikut dampak positif dari internet:
1.      Untuk memperoleh informasi
Banyak informasi yang kita dapet untuk menambah wawasan anda dari internet. Dari semua kalangan biasa mencari informasi lewat dunia maya karena lebih praktis, simple, dan gak ribet!!!. Dari informasi banjir, macet, kemajuan teknologi, fashion, kuliner masih banyak yang lain semua lengkap diinternet dan bebas diakses.

2.      Untuk sarana bersosialisasi
Naah!!! Yang ini paling banyak disukain sama anak – anak hingga remaja. Karena dengan media sosial para abg - abg bisa bersosialisasi, nyari pacar, bahkan nyari selingkuhan  dengan mudah tanpa ketahuan. Banyak berbagai situs media sosial siapapun dengan mudah mengakses dari dalam Negeri hinga luar Negeri.

3.      Untuk menambah uang
Untuk para usahawan yang uangnya mau nambah banyak dan pengen jualan gak pake buka toko, ga perlu modal banyak, dan gak ribet bisa datang ke kami, mengatasi masalah tanpa masalah “teknologi internet” dengen menggunakan online shop. Barang yang sudah tidak terpakai, jual saja dionline shop. (bukan promosi loooh)

Berikut dampak negatif dari internet:
1.      Pornografi
Kenapa pornografi gua taro diurutan pertama?Karena ini paling banyak yang dicari oleh para kaum adam seperti politisi dan gua!!! (bedanya dia pas lagi rapat paripurna dan gua disaat lagi pacaran). Banyak sekali fitur-fitur seperti ini didapat dari internet, bahkan sampe iklan saja ada porno.

2.      Cybercrime

Cybercrime  (cyber itu artinya maya dan crime itu kejahatan jadi cybercrime maya jahat!!! ). Adalah kejahatan yang di lakukan seseorang dengan sarana internet di dunia maya yang bersifat.
• Melintasi batas Negara
• Perbuatan dilakukan secara illegal
a.       Hacking – Tukang ngacak ngacak nih atau usaha memasuki sebuah jaringan dengan maksud          
mengeksplorasi ataupun mencari kelemahan system jaringan.
b.      Cracking – Kalo yang ini tukang nyolong atau usaha memasuki secara illegal sebuah jaringan
dengan maksud mencuri, mengubah atau menghancurkan file yang di simpan pada jaringan tersebut.

3.      Violence
Kekejaman dan kesadisan juga banyak ditampilkan melalui foto atau video. Karena segi dan isi pada dunia maya tidak terbatas, maka para pemilik situs menggunakan segala macam cara agar dapat menjual situs mereka. Salah satunya dengan menampilkan hal-hal yang bersifat tabu.

4.      Carding
Karena sifatnya yang ‘real time’ (langsung), cara belanja dengan menggunakan Kartu kredit adalah cara yang paling banyak digunakan dalam dunia internet, karena tidak repot – repot membawa uang banyak. Cukup menggunakan kartu saja anda bisa belanja sepuasanya (kalo ada saldo).
Para penjahat ini pun paling banyak melakukan kejahatan dengan sifat yang terbuka, para penjahat mampu mendeteksi adanya transaksi (yang menggunakan Kartu Kredit) on-line dan mencatat kode kartu yang digunakan. Selanjutnya mereka menggunakan data yang mereka dapatkan untuk kepentingan kejahatan mereka.

5.      Perjudian
Karena jaman udah canggih dan para penjudi sudah cerdas maka dibuatlah situs judi biar lebih aman dan terkendali. Hal yang ini real tidak ada rekayasa sama sekali, banyak jenis perjudian di dunia maya seperti situs judi online bola atau poker online (gamau naro linknya takut ikutan juga).

Source: Hanif Brain

Senin, 17 Maret 2014 0 komentar


Hary: Hi Hanif, how are you today?
Hanif: Bad, because there will be so many works that must be done today.
Hary: Where is your spirit?
Hanif: I don’t know.
Hary: I get overtime work in three days in a week, but I never complaint about it.
         I personally think that you don’t enjoy your job.
Hanif: I know that well. You are a strong worker, really? I studied for management and
          I work as an management. It must be correct, right?
Hary: Hanif, do love playing game online?
Hanif: Why?
Hary: How your feeling playing game online?
Hanif: When I play games even for five hours a day, it doesn’t make me bored, I keep enjoy.
Hary: How you feeling when working for two hours as an employee?
Hanif: I very tired. I was a student in university and I took the job as same as my faculty.
Hary: When you started your in the university, management was your choice or your parents?
Hanif: My parents and I followed them.
Hary: That’s the point. You followed your parents and when you became a student,
          it was not because you, but because you wanna get their pride. Was it right?
Hanif: Yet, Actually I preferred to choose an engineering faculty. But my parents
          Told me that being an engineer would not make me rich.
Hary: Do you still have the hope to be a mechanic right now?
Hanif: Off course, I love machine.
Hary: Do you have a skill to work as a mechanic?
Hanif: I ever took a mechanical course for three months and until now
Hary: Good.
Hanif: So, what I have to do?
Hary: Discussion and quit from this office, work with your uncle as a mechanic.
Hanif: How about my parents?
Hary: Convince them. Tell them about your problems and make them permit you to
         quit from employee and move to mechanic.
Hanif: That sounds good my friend, it will be the biggest revolution in my life
Hary: Good luck.
Minggu, 16 Maret 2014 0 komentar


Human resource management , abbreviated HRM is a science or a way how to organize the relationship and the role of resource (labor ) owned by individuals in an efficient and effective and can be used optimally in order to reach the goal (goal ) . HRM is based on the concept that every employee is a human not a machine and not just be a business resource
Human resource management also involves planning system design ,
preparation of employees , employee development , career management , performance evaluation ,
employee compensation and labor relations are good . Management of resources
humans involves all the decisions and management practices that affect both
Direct human resources .

B. Model of Human Resource Management
Model - the model used by small companies can not implement a model commonly used by large corporations . In the development of the model - the model is developed in accordance with the conditions and demands. To arrange various activities of human resource management there are 6 models of human resource management , namely :

1 . Model clerical
In this model the function of the human resources department is primarily acquire and maintain reports , data, notes - notes and carry out routine tasks .

2 . Model Law
Operating model of human resource of expertise gained kekutannya
in the field of law . Aspects of the law has a long history that began with the relationship
labor , during contract negotiations , supervision and compliance is a basic function .

3 . Financial Model
Financial aspects of human resource management is growing in recent
because managers increasingly aware of the great influence of human resources
This includes compensation for indirect costs such as the cost of health insurance , pensions ,
life insurance , vacation and so on , the need for expertise in managing field
increasingly complex is the main cause why human resource managers is increasing.

4 . Model manjerial
The managerial model has two versions, the first version of human resource managers
understand the terms of reference of line managers on productivity -oriented . version
The second manager to implement some of the human resources function . Human resources department to train line managers in the skills necessary to handle functions - human resources functions such as recruitment, performance evaluation and development .

5 . Humanistic Model
The central idea in this model is that , the human resources department was formed to develop and foster the value and potential of human resources in the organization . Human resource specialists must understand the individual employee and help maximize personal development and career advancement .
These models illustrate the growing attention to the organization of training and
development of their employees .

6 . Model Behavioral Sciences
This model assumes that , behavioral sciences such as psychology and organizational behavior
is the basis of human resource activities . The principle advantage that an approach
science of human behavior Dapa adequate for almost all sources of problems
field of human resources based on the principles of The Human science include
feedback techniques , evaluation , program design and management training as well as career goals .

C. Management Functions
1 . plan
Planning is a conscious effort in the decisions that have been calculated carefully about the things that will be done in the future and by an organization in order to achieve goals that have been done before .

2 . recruitment
Recruitment is the process of withdrawal of a group of candidates to fill the vacant position . Effective Recruitment will bring job opportunities to the attention of the people who enabled and skills meet the job specifications .

3 . selection
Selection labor is a process of finding the right employment of the
many existing or prospective candidates . By calling candidates
elected to do a written test exam , job interview / interview and selection process
other .

4 . Training and Development
Training ( training ) is a learning process that involves
acquisition of skills , concepts , rules , or attitudes to improve performance tenga
employment . And develop job competence , productivity , discipline , attitude , and work ethic at a certain level of skill and expertise . Development is defined as preparing individuals to assume
different responsibilities , or a high Iebih in the company , organization , institution or educational institutions ,

5 . Evalauasi Performance
Evaluation of equal importance with other management functions , namely
planning , organizing or implementing , monitoring and control .

6 . compensation
Provision of fringe benefits directly and indirectly in the form of money or goods to
employees in exchange for services provided to the company . principle
Compensation is fair and reasonable in accordance achievement and responsibility .

7 . integration
Activities to unite the interests of the company and the needs of employees , so as to create a harmonious cooperation da mutually beneficial .

8 . maintenance
Activities to maintain or improve the physical, mental and loyalty of employees in order to create a long cooperation .

9 . discharge
Termination of employment is due to termination of a particular issue that resulted in termination of rights and obligations between workers and employers .

D. Objective No 4 HR management as follows :

a. Social purpose
Social objectives of human resource management is that organizations or
and socially responsible companies to the integrity and ethical challenges
community by minimizing the negative impacts .

b . Organizational Objectives
Formal organizational goals are goals that are made to help the organization
achieve its objectives .

c . Functional Objectives
The goal is a goal to maintain the functional contribution of the department
human resources at a level appropriate to the needs of the organization .

d . Individual Objectives
Individual goals are personal goals of each member of the organization or company
who want to achieve through its activities in the organization

source: http://hildaagustina.blogspot.com/2012/01/pengertian-manajemen-sumber-daya.html